Cabin Filters

Category: Auto Parts
Sub Category: Filtration

TPSL cabin air filters cover a wide range of American, European, Japanese, and Korean vehicle application and are made to the highest production standards using premium OE quality filtration media. All our cabin air filters are guaranteed to match the genuine filters in material & performance and are covered by our warranty program. They remove exhaust gases, dust, soot and pollen from the intake air and thereby protect the health of the driver and passengers - an important function, especially for persons with allergies or asthma and for children. 

Whether standard particulate type (designed to remove pollutants such as dust, soot, and pollen) or combination type (with added benefits of removing odor), we have them all in stock covering brands like GAP, Korea Star, Sure Filters, 888, and Bosch. These brands protect the heating and air conditioning system from pollution, guarantees a clear view, and thus contribute to safer driving. The filter media used meet the requirements of leading automakers and the highest standards in terms of health, safety, and driving comfort.

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Our product category covers auto parts, batteries, garage equipment, and lubricants, all sources from world popular brands such as BOSCH, Castrol, KYB, TOKICO, Abesta, RBI, CTR, Nisaan, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Valor, Deno,Ecobrex, and the like.

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